Great field service management procedures can be the difference between barely keeping on top of the business operations, expanding benefits, and beating the competition.
Building a more productive procedure requires some time and effort, but it is well worth the investment. This new article, “3 Best Practices in Field Service Management for Security Integrators,” offers tips on how to
Improve the workflow
Meet customer expectations
Make better decisions in the field
The number of field service providers operating predictively will double by 2025
Technologies Corporations are trendsetters at the edge of the enterprise with solutions and partners that empower organizations to gain a performance edge. Study findings reveal field service organizations in the telecommunications and technology businesses worldwide will expand the use of mobile technologies to enhance and transform workflows in the field.
To engage front-line workers at the edge of the business to become more productive, increase their job satisfaction, and at last improve client service, field service co-ops are expanding their investments in mobile phones. Today, just 28 percent of organizations equip more than half of their field teams with mobile technologies. Respondent’s project will grow to 44 percent by 2025.
Customer communication and connection during COVID-19
Customer operations are being significantly impacted in this time of crisis. A few customers are ramping down their operations even with current restrictions while others are forced to increase. Service leaders must connect with their customers to understand the impact of the environment on their present operations and their expectations around service support. Are planned maintenance visits essential? What are the best times for access to critical help equipment? These are only a portion of the relevant questions that should be asked. Moreover, it’s key that service leaders proactively communicate with their customers about resource requirements, personnel limitations, and overall service limits. This dialog will enable both parties to build up a mutual plan to guarantee that service needs are fulfilled without compromising health, security, and business operations.
Encourage Employees’ Sick Leave for Field Service Professionals to Stay Germ-Free
In case you’re a business, your workers must be aware of the significance of taking a day off if they feel unwell. Governments and organizations worldwide are urging employees to stay at home if they start to feel even mild symptoms, to stem the spread of the virus. Though having workers off sick is tough for business, it is fundamental at this difficult time to value the health of yourself, your workers, and others around you above all else.
Likewise, when taking on employments, it’s important to be careful and logical. If you walk into a client’s home and they appear to be unwell, it might be smarter to decline the work than take any risks.
This advice should be followed not just now but throughout the year – especially during the flu season. When the virus inevitably dies down, one silver lining of the whole might be that we are more aware of our own cleanliness and place more prominent care on our health. Up to that point, it is important to protect yourself, make difficult however practical decisions and, above all else, wash your hands.
If you talk about the biggest problems now days related to health and beauty then hair fall is the leader among those and this not only affects the physical appearance but it affects us mentally also because no one in the world want to be look less beautiful.
Hairs are really important for our personality because everyone first see to your face when they meet you and hairs play approx. 40 % part of making you good looking. But now a day whole world is facing this problem mainly in India and we all want to get out of this issue.
Before finding the right solution of this problem we need to understand first what are the main reasons of rapid hair loss in youngsters, what things are making them older in young age?
Obviously this article has some useful information about the causes of this bad condition. Let’s Read..
1 – Stress –
Stress is the really big reason for hair loss because it affects our overall health and mostly head part is affected by taking sever stress, our whole life has become very stress full because of increasing competition in study and professional life.
The another main reason for getting stress is we are becoming too much practical and sometimes this affects our personal life, living alone and going in depression because of some personal life issues like divorce etc. are really strong cause of stress in our life.
2 – Bad Lifestyle –
There is old saying “early to bed and early to rise” but what is happening in real life, you can see it everywhere. Peoples like to go to bed after mid night they spend their time in watching mobile phones and chatting also. This is symptom of bad lifestyle.
They rise late in morning because they were delay in sleeping, so they have bad routine for physical fitness also because in day time they have to go for work. So we need to change this schedule.
3 – Not having right food –
It is really important to think about our daily food which we eat for better lifestyle and are we taking it right way or not.
In today’s world there trend of having foods outside to home and majority of the people like to eat food mainly in young peoples, they like to eat burger, pizza and other fast food item most of the time, this create extra heat in our body which cause fast hair loss.
We should eat best food rich of all necessary things for our body and this is right tip to stop hair fall in young and old peoples.
4 – Less or no physical exercise –
Lazy lifestyle is really big problem now days and many youngsters don’t go to gym or they do not prefer running, yoga or aerobic exercise and because of this their fat and body weight is above the normal.
This cause improper blood circulation and air flow in our body because of this hair fall problem is increasing day by day.
My friends it is very important to know the exact reason of hair problem and solve the big issues and get healthier hair and get beautiful look also. Thanks.
When we see an obese person, we suggest him to try the gyms and some weight loss diets so that they can shed those extra kilos easily. However, have you even thought that there can be some other reason behind this fact that people are gaining too much weight? You just give your suggestions because you just want to do your part but if you really care about a person who is obese, you need to find them the best solution that can help them get rid of these extra calories. You have to check with them about why they fail in working on diet charts or why they cannot go to gyms or can’t reduce even when they are regular at exercises. You have to be a buddy in their journey of weight loss. Well, you can take the help from this article about how you can get the idea of helping such people and suggesting them the best techniques for this.
There is a latest technique that has gained a lot of fame these days and it is considered as the best and easiest way of making your body lose the extra weight. This process does not include any painful surgeries or crash diets that make you hate everything. You will be more than happy by choosing this technique especially when you don’t need any surgery.
This technique is called the Non –Surgical Liposuction. It is completely non surgical, painless and highly safe for the obese people. You don’t have to fear any scars or stitches or any cuts because this does not involve the usage of blades or scissors. This process starts with a direct pressure on the fat cells of your body making them melt and reduce the size. If you think that you need time to get this process done and are planning to take off for weeks from your work, then you are absolutely mistaken. You don’t have to wait for long or get admitted to the hospital for this process. There are so many good weight loss centers across the country where you can take the appointment and let them know about your wish to lose weight. They will give you the best consultation on this topic and help you at each step.
You can connect with then on call or can personally visit them to know about such procedures or other processes that may help you achieve your goal. Now talking about this process, you have to spare your days time for this and they will do the rest for you. You don’t have to take special holidays for this treatment plan.
This process is done with the help of laser technique or ultrasound radiations that are strong enough to melt the fat cells of your body. As soon as the process is started the cells start breaking down by the pressure that is created with the laser beams. The cells that bun once do not grow again so you don’t have to worry about gaining all the same weight after a week or a month. You can call this Non Surgical Weight Loss Los Angeles services as the best option to shed those extra calories without worrying about gaining them again.
However, you have to avoid heavy diets, high fat foods and aerated drinks to maintain the shape and figure that you gain after this process. You cannot expect any technique to work for long as by side you start taking heavy meals and extra fatty foods that make you gain the calories again. Eat fresh food, fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy drinks.
A healthy meal is all you need after you go for this weight loss process. You can enjoy being a curvy figure with a smart shape for as long as you wish. It’s all in your hands and the control on your mouth.
Every aspect of the human body requires an equal amount of care. A slight deficiency can lead to a big injury, causing undue stress as well as pain. One of the most sensitive areas that humans tend to ignore is back. Especially the lower back area is subjected to extreme pressure, due to the continuation of heavy work, sitting postures or just a fragile core. There are so many significant aspects that can typically contribute to a discomforting situation, where your back pain tends to aggravate day by day. Hence, it is imperative to find the actual reason behind the cause of your back pain.
Indications of back pain in the human body:
Often stress, as well as a poor lifestyle also contributes to lots of back issues. The pain might be gentle in the beginning, but it starts to spread and attack other organs and muscles of your body. Just when you are feeling the symptoms, proper preventive measures need to be undertaken. However, some of the indications that the person is suffering from back pain, are as follows:
The person is no longer able to stand properly.
Even normal duties seem to be problematic.
Participation in daily chores is not possible.
Imbalances in the body.
Wrong posture
The person starts to have side effects like muscle pain, nausea, headache, etc.
Individuals seem to get disconnected from the world.
Therefore, once these symptoms start to arise, it is careful to note that the back pain is only at its first stage. Taking precautions here will help to reduce the signs in the human body. But what is the right method to prevent back pain? Today’s doctors recommend an age-old practice that is trusted worldwide and that is yoga. This ancient practice is known for its magical healing postures and nothing can beat the comfort level you receive after doing yoga.
The Importance of Yoga:
Careful studies at the professional Physical Therapy Institute at Sicklerville states that ‘’yoga stresses on three key elements in the human body- flexibility, ensuring the stability of the core, and finally correcting the posture. Yoga is also of the opinion that nothing is possible, until and unless the individual is aware of the proper steps to breathing. The coordination of all these important elements will showcase the results in the human body. In fact, when you are practicing yoga, the body goes through a stage of healing. As the individual breathes in and breathes out during the exercises, positive signals are sent to the brain, which starts internal cleansing and healing of all sorts of pain.
Therefore, if your back pain is providing you extreme discomfort, then yoga is the best solution to curb down the pain before it starts to spread to the whole body. However, yoga experts often lay the importance of practicing the right pose. In fact, any wrong posture can worsen the pain, leaving you with no other solution, other than opting for surgery. Therefore, try to do some simple stretching in the beginning, so that the body starts to get flexible. Accordingly, take up some light postures and practice them slowly!
Some precautions to be taken before you opt for yoga!
Adapting to some of the best Yoga postures in order to cure back pain is an easy solution. However, if you have a prolonged history of any sort of bodily injury, then seeking medications from your doctor is a wise step. Before you start with yoga, you need to ascertain that there are no side-effects involved. Yoga practitioners are of their opinion that it is good to consult physical therapists, so that they can guide you thoroughly, with your troubles.
Also, if your back pain is the cause of headache, an aching body, and excessive discomfort, then the yoga postures should be mild. Try not to stress too much, or else, the pain might slightly increase. Just so to avoid any kind of alignment problems, talk to your physical therapist or an expert yoga enthusiast about the poses that you should adopt today. This will provide long-term results, and the benefits will indicate a better mind and a healthy body!
Some stretches and yoga postures that are perfect for alleviating back pain!
To improve your back-pain issues, some of the yoga postures recommended by experts, are listed below:
The child’s pose
Cat or cow posture
Dog facing pose
Foot bend
Sphinx posture
Reclining pigeon pose
Supine twist posture
Stretching from knee to chest
A detailed guide on how to practice each one of the above-listed postures are dictated below:
The child’s Pose: The child’s pose is one of the basic exercises that will elongate the lower back, and help in the expansion of your back muscles. Plus, it will make your spine flexible, whereby, you will find less difficulty to stretch. This pose decompresses stiffness in your body and provides instant relief.
Take a mat and then kneel on it by folding both your legs. Make sure that your legs are straight here.
Now, extend your arms and fall in towards your stomach. Transfer the weight to your stomach area now.
Keep on breathing and avoid getting stiff near your torso and thigh area.
Rest your hand and your forehead on the ground. Try to extend your arms as far as possible.
Breathe in and breathe out normally and hold onto this posture for at least 3 minutes!
Cat or cow posture: The cat or cow posture is said to provide extra extension facility, helping to strengthen your core and releasing stress from your body. This posture can promote better spine health, can reduce thighs and belly fat, and even release tension from your lower back area. However, individuals carrying out this posture need to check their balance and avoid bending as well as arching too much at one point in time.
Fold your legs and your hands and adopt the cat or cow posture. Rest your hands naturally, without exerting too much pressure.
Now try to inhale and exhale slowly.
While inhaling, try to lift your head up, and while exhaling try to keep your head low.
You will instantly feel comfortable near your hips and back area.
Try to hold onto this posture for at least 3minutes. Increase it once you master it!
Dog Facing Pose: This posture is carried out in a downward position. Have you ever seen a dog stretching? Well, the pose is quite similar, except that you are going to do it in the opposite manner. The dog facing pose is able to provide relief to your hands, chest, and back. The calves will release all pressure, making you comfortable and flexible.
In order to start off with this posture, try to bend your legs and hands first.
Once they are firm, lift your bottom or your butt, and balance your lower part of the body.
Slowly, extend your hands, by spreading your fingers. Straighten your legs as far as possible.
Now, do not rest your leg directly on the ground, but tilt it towards the ground. Raise your hips and balance your body.
Try to stay in the posture for at least 3 minutes!
Foot bend: This is also one of the easiest back pain exercises that you can try today. The ‘’foot bend’’ posture helps in stretching your leg, hips and keeps your back in proper shape. Since the pressure is directed towards your lower back area, you will notice a vast difference in the back pain. If this position hurts in the beginning, avoid holding it for too long.
First, adopt the half-fold leg position and stretch your hands.
Straighten your hands downwards, and try to touch the ground.
Release your butt backward, and tuck in your tummy.
Keep your chin tight and allow your spine to straighten itself and do away with excess pressure.
Now breathe in and breathe out.
You should hold onto this pose for a minimum of 2 minutes, and maximum for 4 minutes!
Sphinx Posture: The sphinx posture allows the human body to completely relax. Here, the mind and body stand in perfect alignment, with the lower back in the complete rest position. There is no stressing out, and the body also releases extra pressure.
First, you must try to flatten your leg and the lay down by your belly. Keep your body alignment straight here, so that you can receive maximum benefits of this yoga.
Now, fold in your hand, keeping them near to your chest. Folding should be done from your elbows. Avoid stretching the leg too far away.
Now, keep your head straight and breathe in and breathe out.
Also, try to calm down your body from the poses you just did earlier, and also relax your shoulder muscles.
Finally, carry on this sphinx posture for at least 3 minutes or more!
Reclining Pigeon Pose: The pigeon posture is also termed as the ‘’figure four position’’. The entire yoga resembles the number 4, which is carried out with your leg. This pose releases the pain from your body and provides strength to your lower half. The legs also strengthen with time, by practicing this yoga.
To carry out the pigeon pose perfectly, lie down with your back towards the ground, in the normal sleeping position. Adjust the body alignment.
Next, take your left foot and cross it over the right foot.
The right foot should be half-folded here.
Stretch your hands at the back, which enables you to distribute the pressure to your back area.
Carry on with this posture for three minutes.
Now, switch the leg sides and repeat the same, for another 2 minutes!
Supine Twist Posture: If you are looking for adequate relaxation by means of yoga postures, then you got to try the supine twist posture for your back pain. Having tons of benefits, this yoga is used to keep your muscles healthy, along with providing relief for your back pain. Sometimes, it is difficult for individuals to carry out this posture, only because there is twisting of the stomach muscles involved. Only if you are suffering from mild back pain, you can carry on with this yoga. However, it is advised to support your back, by placing some soft towel underneath. This will remove any kind of extra stress or pressure.
Now, lie down in the sleeping position and bend your legs half.
Instead of keeping them straight this time, bend them together sideways.
Keep your hands on top of the leg, with the support of your elbows.
Align your head in the direction opposite to the direction of the legs and hands.
Your face should be in the upward direction, and the chest should be perfectly faced towards the ceiling.
Hold this position for at least 3 minutes and change the sides of your leg. Accordingly, change the head position as well.
Stretching from knee to Chest: A simple exercise that can work wonders is the knee to chest pose. Your back, along with your stomach muscles, will receive relief from all kinds of pain.
Lie down on the ground in the sleeping position. Rest your arms first.
Slowly, fold your legs and lift them up. Bring them up in the folded position towards your chest.
Keep your chest straight and keep your face straight towards the ceiling.
Hold your legs tight with the help of both your hands.
Now, slowly move your body from one side to another.
Stay in this posture for at least 3 minutes!
The Final Thought: One of the conditions of getting in touch with yoga to get relief from back pain is dedication. Yoga is by far, the only ancient practice that promises to purify the body and soul. Hence, utmost dedication to each posture is mandatory. Also, confidence while doing your poses brings better results. That is why start slow and slowly increase your time for the postures. With time, you will notice a major difference with your back pain!
ENT stands for the abbreviation for examining Ear, Nose, and Throat. A person who considers the disorders in the ear, nose, and throat is called or known as Otolaryngologist. There are many issues that we encounter through our ears, nose, and throat, such as diseases, cancers, trauma, tumors, and deformities.
What Should One Do In The Case Of Experiencing Problems Related To Ent?
The answer to this question is simple, which is to visit any Otolaryngologist and get checked for any trouble they are facing. Most of them get skeptical about the fact that a slight deformity might lead to surgery or burdensome surgical procedures, but that is not the case with ENT specialists.
What Course Do We Require To Become An Ent Specialist?
To become an Otolaryngologist, one must pursue their:
Undergraduate degree preferably in Biology or science Domain for 4 years
Residence Training for 5 years that includes 3 years of Otolaryngology training, a year training in general surgery and a year for additional training.
Medical degree for 4 years.
If you are planning to become an ENT Specialist then you must plan around investing your time in specializing for about 3-5 years. After the completion of your degree, you will have to go for additional training for surgery. One can visit the ENT Care Centre.
How often should one visit their otolaryngolist?
You can visit your Otolaryngologist when you have trouble regarding your ear, nose, and throat when you experience hearing loss, ear infections, throat infections, runny or clogged nose, tinnitus, which is ringing of ears, etc. On your first visit to an ENT specialist, be aware of the symptoms of the problems you have been facing and when it first began and came to your notice. The ENT will perform a visual and physical examination based on which they might draw a conclusion as to what and where your problem is and how it all started. Also, your Otolaryngologist will prescribe the required treatment of your problem.
What is the difference between an ENT care center and an ENT clinic?
As most of us would prefer to go to the clinic for a checkup. It is quite a tough choice whether to opt for an ENT clinic or ENT Care Center. Before we conclude as to which option is better, let us check on the critical difference as to what a clinic is? A clinic is smaller than a health center and usually consists of one or two doctors running the clinic where one can pay a regular visit and get to know about their issue. One cannot completely fulfill the criteria regarding treatment in a clinic. An ENT Care center is collectively known for having many doctors in the block or can also be termed as a house of doctors where patients are provided with hospital-like facilities and are observed and treated if required. Patients are also taken care of after surgery by providing facilities like a bed for the patient.
In contrast, clinics lack to give that kind of facility. One thing to notice is that an ENT Clinic is cheaper than an ENT Care Center. So, it is apparent people will opt for an ENT clinic rather than an ENT Care Center. But, if one is suffering from a significant problem, then it is advisable to choose an ENT Care Center. People are scared to undergo surgery when it comes to the delicate part of the body, such as ear, nose, and throat, but as they say, “Better safe than sorry.” Do visit your nearest Otolaryngologist or an ENT Care Center so that you can be safe and sound.