Simple Ways to De-Stress Yourself

simple ways to destress yourself

Stress is common among people due to busy professional life and problems in personal life. Whatever the reason is, stress is always harmful for health. In fact, many of the disease occur because of high tension and stress. Professional tension leads to headache and personal life tension may even take to low immune systems & heart problems. Long period of stress may result to depression which is the other form of death. The extreme case of depression is suicide which is usually committed by students who failed one exam, lovers who are unable to get married with their love, job seekers who are unable to find job even after too much struggle. Whatever the case, we must try to avoid stress as much as possible. Some tips are as follows:

Identify the Reason of Stress

Stress has no particular reason so try to find the exact reason of tension or stress. If it is arises because of professional life, try to get help from your colleague. If the same is arise in personal life, sort out with your partner after discussing with him or her or can be discussed with the family members. Identifying and analysis the stress and its reason may be helpful to know what corrective action should be taken.

Deep Breathing

Hoooo!! Yup a deep breathing is always a quick step to relieve from the stress level. Deep breath exhales the negative energy and inhales the positivity from the outer environment. Morning air is always fresh so make a routine to have fresh aid in the morning.

Listen to Music and Dance

Listening Music diverts our mind or takes us in a new world. Sad music will always make you sad so listen rock music and dance like no one can dance like you. Just lock your room from inside, play the loud music and step up on music beats. Results will always be positive.

Take a Walk or Jog or Drive

Walking or Jogging is better idea which eventually makes you healthy. Healthy body will have healthy mind as well. A long walk, jogging or driving can be done with a headphone in your ears while listening to music. But it is always not advisable to go for driving in case of stress because high stress may divert the mind and may lead to accidents as well

Have Body Massage

Massage Centers are famous because of its stress reliving technique only. Bangkok and Goa are famous for massage things and fun centers. So people always wish to take a break from their regular life and plan a trip. Apart from this, you can get shoulder, hands, head, and back massage from your partner as well. This will be romantic and will enhance your mutual love.

Take a Shower or Swimming

Cold water lowers the stress level. Water not only washes the stains of the body but also washes the internal heat occurs due to professional and personal stress.  People usually prefer to have a swim in open area to feel the open world. Swimming activates the internal and external body parts which positively affect the body and mind.

Yoga or Exercise

Light yoga or cycling lightens your body and thus lightens the internal stress level as well. Regular yoga or physical exercise will beat the tension and create positivity inside the body to fight with the stress.


Meditation brings concentration power. While preaching OM, inhale and exhale the air through nose only in right direction. 5 minimum of meditation will give you freshness and you can work again with the same speed. OM word is itself a Symbol of peace.

Read Novels or Live Stories

Reading love stories, novels, real stories, fictions, inspirational books will give you positive stamina.  These books motivate you to do something new, challenging, creative and result oriented.

Spend Fun Time

Whenever you are feeling low due to high stress, you can spend time with your friends or partner in entrainment things such as movie, disco, adventurous activities and so on.

Take a Nap or Light Sleep

A quick and easy way to de – stress is to have a nap or brief sleep. It freshens up the mind and you even forget the reason of stress sometimes. It feels like a bright morning after a long dark night.

Have Sex

Sex is a natural medicine to warm up your body. Usually stress affects the hormones so sex controls and develops the body hormones once again.  Funny & romantic sex or maximum fore play can be more beneficial to beat the stress

Take a Day Off

Whether it is personal stress or professional reason, take a break for one or two day, go outside with family or friends and spend quality life with them. Even a small picnic or nearby hangout helps to forget the stress for that time.

Laugh Louder

Laughing is a part of exercise as well. Laughing loud makes the heart nerves open, blood circulation normal and open the mind blockage as well.

Play with Kids or Companion

Kids are the god’s gift to us who don’t have any jealous or negative though towards anyone. So spend time playing with kids. You can even play your favorite sport like badminton, cricket, basketball etc. with your companion or friend

Have Tea

Normally people drink tea to remove stress. Though it is not 100% result effective yet too much tea can be dangerous for health.

Do Whatever Makes You Happy

Do the activity which makes you happy like singing, dancing, shopping, playing, stitching, cooking, and roaming around, planting, sleeping or any other things which can beat your stress level

Hug the One You Love

A hug is always called a Jadu ki Jhappi because it is really having a natural magic which surrenders all the stress on the shoulders of your partner and you melt down like anything.

Write Down Your Feelings

You always don’t have someone to share with and sometime, you also feel like no one understands your feelings, so you can write down your feelings on the paper or notebook. It will give you a high relief.

Simply Talk to Someone

The last thing you cannot share your problems with someone who understand you well. Do not expect others to help you out from the same problem. Talk to someone who can hear you without uttering a word.

So much competition, limitations, tensions, problems eventually enhance the stress level. Problems cannot be end up. But we can try to keep us calm, cool and happy even in any tough situation.

Tips for Happy Married Life

happy marriage life tips

Tips for Happy Married life are not pre-determined. Life can experienced and improved accordingly. yet the only thing for any relation is devotion and dedication. Capture the beautiful moments with love as much as you can.

1.  Start Day with a Kiss

Morning always bring a new thinking, new expectations and new energy. So a couple should also try to start their day with the newness. A good morning kiss bring cheerful smile and helps to start a day with positiveness. In fact, romance starts with a kiss and married life is nothing without expressing love. Kissing is the only way to express your true love towards your partner.

2. Help Each Other

Though it is always assumed that a woman should handle all the domestic chaos along with the office work whereas a man is supposed to handle the office work. But it should not be like this. Reason being, a woman handle office work so a man should also help her in domestic chaos. Man’s ego should not be present. Same, a woman should support her husband in his career. Helping each other in their respective works will bring the relation strong and long lasting.

3. Respect Feelings

Relation always build of feelings and so one should respect feeling of another person.  Usually females are much emotional compare to males. So male should not make fun of females’ emotions. Females should also take care of practical aspects of her partners.

4. Friendship

No relation can be better than friendship as this relation has no obligation. Friendship doesn’t bound with any other relation, caste, religion, place etc.  this relation is open minded and helps to understand each other. A friend can show his or her negative aspects to other friend without any hesitation.  In fact, more comfort is present in this relation. So it’s better to have friendship first.

5. Trust

Trust is the base of any relation. To say ‘I love you’ is common but to say ‘I trust you’ is quite difficult. Trust can not be forced , it can be gained only through strong bonding. This is the trust only through which parents send their daughters to a stranger family after marriage.  Boy should understand this trust and should take care of a girl with deep heart. Girl should also try not to break the trust to make his family happy

6. Spend Quality Time

Work life and family life together makes the real life quite busy due to which no couple has sufficient time to spend with fun. Lack of time stops them to build healthy relation and understanding.  Too distance can be harmful for any relation.  So one should always spare weekends for picnic and to have fun. Couple can also plan for outing twice in a year.

7. Sharing

The strongest part is sharing. Sharing refers to discussing problems, telling each incidents, exploring each other. Sharing of materialistic things should also be present. After marriage, there is no place for ‘I’ a d ‘you’, it should be we or us. This represents the sharing things. The couple who share good and bad part of life with honesty, can make their relation stronger.

8. Remember Occasions

Beautiful moments can be collected and recalled any time. One should remember special occasion like birthdays, anniversary or any achievement day. Basically, it is said that boy usually don’t remember birthdays or any other dates which can lead to small misunderstandings. Try to memorize these days anyhow like through phone or through writing on diaries.

9. Have Sex

Sex gives pleasant and enhance the opportunity to express feelings. No married life is complete without sex.  One should not feel shy of discussing the sex related things with your partner. Sex is also a best way of reducing day stress and to feel relax. Daily sex gives happiness from inside and happy couple are always focused towards life long married life.

10. Mutual Understanding

It is said that one should understand each other just looking at the eye of the partner, no need to utter a single word. Actually it is not a joke or romantic statements, once relation becomes strong beyond imagination, partner eventually understand each others feeling and pain without sharing through words. So build mutual understanding.

Happy married life cannot be achieved through reading articles only, one should also follow the relevant step towards strengthening the relation.

Important Tips for Happy and Positive Life

how to have happy life

1.  A Walk or Jog

Walking or jogging is the best exercise to refresher the mind and to bring energy in your body. Walking or jogging brings the positive stamina in your body and throws out the negativity from your mind. Listening music or looking at the pleasant things while walking or jogging relax your mind, heart and body as well.  Our body posture improves, blood circulates well. In one line, exercise makes you fir and fine.

2. Yoga

The person who can go out for physical exercise may take the help of yoga. One need not to go for the hard core yoga exercise. Simply meditation brings the positive energy in body through inhaling the fresh air. Yoga keeps your mind healthy, improves memory power, enhance concentration and inbuilt positive thoughts.

3. Healthy and Pleasant Food

Food is the necessity of life without which no one can live and survive. In fact, human live and struggle for food only. So it is quite necessary to have pleasant food. Pleasant food doesn’t mean to have junk food which solid your health. And healthy food doesn’t mean to have food which you dislike. Try to bring taste in your food along with the nutrients. Because it will also be useless to eat healthy food without pleasant mood. So always better to have healthy but tasty food which keeps your mood pleasant and your heart healthy.

4. Sufficient Water

Intake sufficient water in the morning immediately after wake up helps to flush out the unhealthy antioxidants from the body. Apart from that, one should make a policy to have at least 5-6 liter  water everyday to stimulate the flow of each and every body part.

5. Dress Up Accordingly

Seasonal and fashionable dress up builds the confidence in you and improves your personality. Dress not only covers the body, but also protects your from sunrays and seasonal up downs. Comfortable dress up brings positive attitude and brings charming smile on face.

6. Beautiful Home

Home is the most important factor which is helpful to bring in the positive stamina in you. House should be clean, beautifully interior, dust and germ free and should be surrounded by greenery. Home is not necessarily to be big, it can be small but yet it should be full of necessary amenities. A lady spend her maximum time in kitchen so she prefer her kitchen to be fully furnished and dust free.  Huge space not matters a lot, in fact, proper vitrification, fittings, cleaning matters to live beautifully and happily.

7. Sleep

A normal person must have at least 6-8 hours sleep in a day. Have a god sleep doesn’t meant o sleep all the day and to spread laziness in the house. Sleeping means just to remove the tiredness from the body and to have the new freshening to start your day again with the enhanced energy. Sleeping makes your body relaxed, calm, cheerful. Sleeping is good but sleeping posture should also keep in mind because sleeping posture can also effect your body adversely.

8. Hangout

Everyone is busy in his or her personal or professional life. People don’t have enough time to see the beauty of nature. Stressful life brings the health down and dizziness in body. So it is always advisable to have good friends or friendly relatives with whom you can spend quality and fun time.  Social life gives you awareness about the latest technology and keeps you up to date with the present world.

9. Carry Smile

Carrying smile on face is always peaceful and positive. Blushing face attracts people and helps to make good relations in market. In personal life, it strengthen the relationship with family, partner and relatives and in professional life, it helps to generate business and thus to Maximise profiles. Because smiling face improves personality and so bring positive attitude. It also helps to fight with the hard time very easily.

10. Help Without Expectation

Though helping others is not easy but still we should try to help others as much as we can. To serve for poor or needy people will always gives pleasant and freshen our mood. It will seem like we achieve something great out of the world.

There is no fix policies or rules to stay happy and pleasant. We should keep our mind, heart, body and atmosphere calm and clean. Then everything will be amazing. We should live life with fullest, sing a song of love and care. Because God has given us one life so we should try to give our fullest and take fullest.